Membership Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions about membership of the Croydon Medical Society to help determine whether you are eligible to join as well what we do and the cost of membership. if you have any further questions, please contact us via our contact page.
What is the Society's official name?
The Society is officially known as “The Croydon Medical Society”.
Am I eligible to become a member of the Society?
Any registered medical practitioner living and/or practising in the Borough of Croydon (for at least two years), is eligible for election as a member after being proposed by a member of the Society. The Proposer shall introduce the new Candidate at the next convenient meeting.
What happens if I don't pay my membership fees on time?
The Executive Committee shall declare void the membership of any Member who has not responded to two requests (via email, mail or telephone) from the Honorary Secretary to pay their subscription.
Who are the officers of the Society?
The Officers of the Croydon Medical Society are the President, Vice President, President Elect, Honorary Archivist and Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.
Who is responsible for managing the affairs of the Society?
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, President Elect, Honorary Archivist and Honorary Secretary/Treasurer, plus up to four other Croydon Medical Society members.
What is quorum for an Executive Meeting?
For all Executive Meetings there should be a quorum of four and the Chairman has a casting vote.
How and when is the President elected?
The President is elected for one year and takes the Chair at the first Committee Meeting of the year (June). The retiring President becomes Vice President for one year. The President Elect is nominated by the first meeting if possible.
How and when are other committe members / regular members elected?
The Honorary Secretary/Treasurer and Members of the Executive Committee are elected for one year. Their election or re-election takes place at the Annual General Meeting, which is held at the last meeting of the year (March). Candidates are proposed and any nominations (and the name of the proposer) are sent to the Honorary Secretary before the AGM.
Can members be expelled from the Society?
The Executive Committee may, by a unanimous vote, propose the expulsion of any member from the Society and, if this vote be confirmed at a General Meeting (to be specially called for this purpose) by a majority of two thirds of those present, they shall cease to be a member of the Society.
Is it possible to change the Rules of the Society?
No alteration or addition to these Rules can be made except with the approval of members at a General Meeting. Due notice of such alteration or addition to be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least one month before the meeting, and notice of the same to be given to every member of the Society fourteen days (at least) before such a meeting.
Is it possible to join the Society as an Honorary Member?
At the discretion of the Executive Committee, Honorary Members, not exceeding six in number, may be elected. The annual subscription is waived for those who are elected as Honorary Members.
What is the cost of membership?
The Annual Subscription to the Society is £50 (as of 2017) and payable by the first meeting of the year (September). The Executive Committee will administer the surplus funds.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
We welcome Hospital Consultants (both current and retired) and GPs who live or work in Croydon as well as GP trainees, Doctors in training and undergraduates.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you.