Aerial view of Croydon

Significant Events in Croydon’s History

The History of Croydon Hospitals

Extracts are taken from The Lost Hospitals of London

Mayday University Hospital

By 1862 the town of Croydon had expanded greatly and its existing workhouse in Duppas Hill Road, despite having been extended to accommodate 350 inmates, was unable to cope with the increasing numbers of paupers seeking admission. The Guardians of the Croydon Union, therefore, decided to build a new workhouse on a 4.5-acre site in Queen’s Road, Thornton Heath.

In 1867 the newly established Croydon General Hospital, a voluntary hospital, leased part of the workhouse infirmary for a 14-bed ward. When it moved to new premises in London Road in 1873, its 14 beds were taken over by the infirmary. The infirmary by this time had become progressively more crowded; beds had to be made upon the floors. In 1875 an epidemic of typhoid in the town exacerbated the situation.

In 1876 the Union purchased a site in May-day Road, somewhat to the west of the workhouse in Queen’s Road. In 1880 a decision was made to build a new infirmary, at an estimated cost of £47,000. Plans were drawn up in 1881 and the foundation stone was laid at the end of October.

Croydon General Hospital

The Croydon General Hospital opened as a voluntary hospital in 1867 in a part of the old infirmary vacated by the workhouse, which had moved to Queens Road. It had 14 beds.

By 1869 it was reported at the second Annual Meeting that the Hospital had a balance of £152 in hand after all expenses had been paid. The Hospital was partially self-supporting; in-patients paid 3s (15p) a week, while out-patients paid 6d (2.5p) a week while under treatment. Four free beds were available for a limited number of deserving cases from the poor industrial classes. The cost of the purchase of these beds and related furniture – £27 18s 3d (£27.92) had been defrayed by the generosity of four governors.

The Typhoid Outbreak in Croydon of 1937

Dr Oscar Holden, who was an early member of CMS, was also CMO for Croydon at the time of the typhoid outbreak which was linked to the Addington Well.

Inspiring Physicians

The Inspiring Physicians, also known as Munk’s Roll, is a series of obituaries or biographies of fellows of the Royal College of Physicians, starting from 1518 to the present day.

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